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Founder Period Has Ended

Founder Period Has Ended

The Founder Period has officially come to an end! New accounts will no longer be able to earn the Founder status. A huge thank you to everyone who believed in us and joined our journey from the very beginning.

We're proud to announce that 255 dedicated members have earned the exclusive Founder status! 🎉

What's Next?

We are diligently working to identify and fix all remaining bugs in the system. Each fix is being carefully crafted and submitted to the OpenDBO open-source project, contributing to the community and ensuring that our solutions benefit everyone.

Additionally, we are developing a custom launcher, which will also be open source, designed to streamline the process of distributing client updates. This launcher will simplify and automate the update process, ensuring that all users have access to the latest features and improvements with minimal effort. Our goal is to enhance both stability and usability, making the experience smoother for everyone involved.

The DBO Classic Team

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